Saturday, August 11, 2007

Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got Nobody...

Hershey and I were groomed on Wednesday. Hershey looks pretty! He is annoyed with me though because I have not made a visit to the dog park recently. It has been hot and I am tired at the end of the day. He does have fun there. He has been playing with Sammy and Sammy loves it. I am still sandwiched between them at night. I cannot explain my popularity. All I ever say is stop licking me, okay that's enough!, STOP LICKING ME! They do love the head rubs and belly rubs I give them. These events occur before we go upstairs for they have given up their night time assaults!

Anyway, I have been doing people things...dinner with friends on Tuesday night, therapy on Thursday night and STARDUST (the movie) on Saturday with lunch and a friend. Great movie by the way, if you like fairy tales. I am watching shows and movies that feature women over forty. We need all the support we can get. I am NOT voting for ANY presidential candidate who is on his third wife or is married to someone 15 or more years younger than he is. Before you say that George and Dick are still married to their first wives so this is not a true test of character, it is not my only criteria. I am very much against giving the US Gov another dime of my hard earned money in any form! until they start working with what they have already been given. I listened to a man on TV today saying that if we raised the gasoline tax 5 cents a gallon, we could fix the bridges... I question his intelligence. Where does he think the already high gasoline tax is going? Do we need shrubs, sprinklers, and flowers or to repair our infrastructure?

Because I had unexpected car repair last week, I cancelled an extra visit from my cleaning people and a haircut. True that was a tenth of what it cost to repair the car but it is a start. I am taking my lunch and eating a lot of vegetables. I am looking for less expensive hotels in Italy for vacation. Choices...they aren't so hard. Okay, okay stop laughing. Everyone one at every income level learns to manage. That is my point. You have a billion dollar budget but you still have to make choices!!!!!!!! You can't do it all and you have to be practical.
This blog is supposed to be about Hershey...many apologies...I got sidetracked. Hershey just brought Sammy back inside (Sammy must have been in the back yard)...barking and herding the cat so I guess it's bedtime.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cat-Dog Characteristics...

Does a dog learn to pounce? Is it fair to grab the cat by his leg in a wrestling match? Is chewing someones ear and licking someones ear the same thing? More of a cat's head can fit into a dog's mouth than vice a versa. A cat claims you by walking on you and sitting down on your chest or back or hip or lap. When a dog climbs on your chest, is it the same thing...claiming their person? I'm really worried about the job. It may be time to move on and G_d is giving me clues. It is easy to focus on the pets.........

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Friend SC Came to Visit

Neither SC or I have a car today or tomorrow. One car is having mechanical work done and the other ishaving body work done. I catch a ride to work with a friend but SC is home all day and it was driving her nuts so she came to visit. Hershey gets so excited when he sees SC. We took him for a walk when we returned from walking to a restaurant and having dinner. It is warm here tonight but after 8 PM it cools down. Hershey remembers people that he likes and who like him. It doesn't hurt that SC gives him treats when he visits her house. I give treats too and I am "claimed" by the cat and the dog. I cannot sit down and be left alone by Hershey and Sammy. I have someone on me at all times. I am happy for the company.
I am off to take a shower and go to bed. I am sooooo tired. I enjoyed my walk and dinner because it was shared and just enough without bringing anything home. It was good therapy after the events of the day.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Thank Goodness for Little Pets!

To paraphrase a song from GiGi! I am so glad I have my sweet animals. They greet me at the door upon my return and see me off in the morning. Tonight I was later than usual. Work is a lot because I have three projects going on at the same time with deadlines that are very close to each other and due soon. I also have the regular stuff to contend with. Anyway, Hershey ran to greet me, wagging his whole body. We went to the back patio to exit the sliding glass door. Out he went. While he was looking for intruder rabbits (There is one on the hill that is not moved by a barking dog.), I went back into the house to call Sammy. Sammy likes to go out when Hershey does. I called and called but no Sammy. I decided to go upstairs and there was Sammy in the hallway by my bedroom door just laying there swishing his tail, looking bored. Even though he is a cat, he comes when you call him but not tonight. For some reason, he is eating the dog food (which I have taken away) and I think his stomach is bothering him. He did come down and play with me and Hershey after some coaxing on my part. He came and sat on my lap after dinner while Hershey layed with his head on my shoulder. Then Hershey, sensing a need, started grooming the cat's ear. Dogs just chew on each other while cats lick each other. Sammy got his ear chewed but lovingly. Thursday I get to talk to the big boss about an opportunity at work. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sleep Deprived!

Its Sunday morning and I am so tired...reason is Sammy chose last night to climb all over me and make sure he got attention. Hershey was on the other side in the middle of the bed just sleeping away. I was hemmed in between two pets. I have a king sized mattress, its just not big enough for all of us. The pets are clingier on the weekend because I am at home and give them the attention. I will be taking an afternoon nap for sure! Oh well at least I'm not alone!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Still Saturday and Still Lazy

Okay! I've still got it! I just got back from the grocery store. Purple tank top, lavender shorts, big sunglasses on the head with large hoop earring....the hot young checker left his post to walk my groceries to the car because I said I needed help out! Left a poor man my age just standing in line. I've still got it! Now...if I could only remember what to do with it.....

Lazy Saturday

Mr Hershey was hiding in the closet today. Not sure what that is about. Usually the cat is in there. Sammy was lurking on the other side of the bed. Mr H never really leaves my side but as I lay on the sofa taking a nap (yes have not been feeling well), there was no Mr. H upon waking. May need to install some cameras to see what goes on when the cleaning people are here.