Sunday, April 29, 2007
Need a free ride!
I am looking for someone to take care of me for a while. I look around and see others getting breaks, getting taken care of because they exist. Where's my free ride! I'm old and tired. My needs are pay the mortgage, you buy me a new car, you put the money in the account to pay the bills, you get the pool guy to clean up consistently, you translate to the gardner, you leave the note for the cleaning people...and the check. I'll just show up and smile!
Should you order the most expensive thing on the menu?
Didn't realize just how much alike Blanche and I were until tonight. She and Dad took us out to dinner frequently, inviting Larry and Roberta, Toni and Kim. Richard lived at home then and was not attached. Blanche didn't really entertain Richard's girlfriends, maybe because he didn't want them there. Anyway, we went to nice restaurants and she always picked up the check but she would say that if you ordered lobster, you wouldn't be invited back! None of us ever ordered lobster.
Tonight I invited the Polapinks out for dinner because they are moving. I chose Wood Ranch because Paul likes tri tip. I also invited Dianne and Bob because I knew Bob liked the Polapinks and would like to say goodbye. I told him I would treat since they had had me over several times. Little did I know... no lobster on the menu but Dianne ordered filet mignon and a salad and was the only one except Ava that wanted dessert. I just thought it was interesting. She ate half the salad, half of everything else and then took the rest home. She wanted the dessert to go because they offered it for free. Bob stopped her. In her defense, I don't think she gets out much. I was just really surprised since she was so tacky looking at Lloyd's wedding. Okay I'm not that nice! I guess I have a problem also with when you are someone else's guest and they know you drive an 11 year old car and work for a living, is it good manner to order the most expensive thing on the menu? When my company "takes me out to dinner", I have no budget. I stay in four star hotels and eat in great restaurants but don't feel I need to "take advantage". I guess that's how I felt about Dianne ordering. When I first went to her house I was amazed at the filth, disrepair, dog hair, whole in the floor. The plumbing had broken down and they were urinating in a bucket and pouring it down the shower. I went to take Bob some fried chicken. Can't remember the reason. Couldn't believe he was living like than but he was still drinking heavily. I had heard that he slept in the van at night. Anyway as soon as Bob got a dime, he bought her a new double wide. Suddenly she needed a Wolf range on which to cook. Needed a Vermont ham to serve to a bunch of young people that didn't know the difference between that and Vons spiral cut. Am I missing what is going on? Before you judge me. Know that I have had to do without! While raising Lloyd and Elliot, I had very little extra because I thought it best to hang onto my house. It provided stability and continuity for them. When I finally did have money again, I didn't live large. I realized how little you really need to live and be happy. I have problems but I am happy. Blanche on the other hand guarded her money as her most prized possession. She felt that others did not have the right to be extravagant on her dime. She felt you could be extravagant with your money not someone elses. Interesting...
Tonight I invited the Polapinks out for dinner because they are moving. I chose Wood Ranch because Paul likes tri tip. I also invited Dianne and Bob because I knew Bob liked the Polapinks and would like to say goodbye. I told him I would treat since they had had me over several times. Little did I know... no lobster on the menu but Dianne ordered filet mignon and a salad and was the only one except Ava that wanted dessert. I just thought it was interesting. She ate half the salad, half of everything else and then took the rest home. She wanted the dessert to go because they offered it for free. Bob stopped her. In her defense, I don't think she gets out much. I was just really surprised since she was so tacky looking at Lloyd's wedding. Okay I'm not that nice! I guess I have a problem also with when you are someone else's guest and they know you drive an 11 year old car and work for a living, is it good manner to order the most expensive thing on the menu? When my company "takes me out to dinner", I have no budget. I stay in four star hotels and eat in great restaurants but don't feel I need to "take advantage". I guess that's how I felt about Dianne ordering. When I first went to her house I was amazed at the filth, disrepair, dog hair, whole in the floor. The plumbing had broken down and they were urinating in a bucket and pouring it down the shower. I went to take Bob some fried chicken. Can't remember the reason. Couldn't believe he was living like than but he was still drinking heavily. I had heard that he slept in the van at night. Anyway as soon as Bob got a dime, he bought her a new double wide. Suddenly she needed a Wolf range on which to cook. Needed a Vermont ham to serve to a bunch of young people that didn't know the difference between that and Vons spiral cut. Am I missing what is going on? Before you judge me. Know that I have had to do without! While raising Lloyd and Elliot, I had very little extra because I thought it best to hang onto my house. It provided stability and continuity for them. When I finally did have money again, I didn't live large. I realized how little you really need to live and be happy. I have problems but I am happy. Blanche on the other hand guarded her money as her most prized possession. She felt that others did not have the right to be extravagant on her dime. She felt you could be extravagant with your money not someone elses. Interesting...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Tax Days and Sundays Always Make Me Cry
Forgive me bloggers, it has been 5 days since my last post. I did not attend Mass to day. I worked on my taxes and mailed them (YES, I typically mail on the 15th.) When I finished, Hershey and I went to the downstairs bedroom to look for return address labels to put on the mailing envelopes. The bedroom door is kept's just a habit, no particular reason. Hershey follows very closely where ever I go. He followed me in and out. We went to the garage to get into the car. I wanted to run to the post office in TO. I left the lights and TV on as I usually do when I run out at throws the burglars off. When Hershey and I returned, I began to empty the dishwasher and prepare din-din. I heard a noise and knew that Sammy had followed us into the bedroom and I had accidentally shut him in. He was scratching at the door! I never saw him enter..he must have scooted under the bed. He is fine now. He needs to move faster to keep up with us. He spent the rest of the evening licking his paws and stayed very close to my side! Tomorrow is a busy day. I should have gone to work over the weekend but got caught up with bed and bathroom.
Here's my list for tomorrow:
replace 2 light bulbs in kitchen
slice up ham and freeze
turn soil and plant tomatoes and geraniums
throw away dead Sego palms
read book for Wednesday...READ BOOK FOR WEDNESDAY!!!!! eckkkkkkkk! It is the 18th already? I was supposed to read the Time Travelers wife for the book club. Wish me luck. Hershey had a great time at the park today. He chased birds and ran wild.
Here's my list for tomorrow:
replace 2 light bulbs in kitchen
slice up ham and freeze
turn soil and plant tomatoes and geraniums
throw away dead Sego palms
read book for Wednesday...READ BOOK FOR WEDNESDAY!!!!! eckkkkkkkk! It is the 18th already? I was supposed to read the Time Travelers wife for the book club. Wish me luck. Hershey had a great time at the park today. He chased birds and ran wild.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Walk
Hershey and I took a walk tonight at about 7:10 PM. We only passed one small boy on a skateboard. I think everyone else was at home eating supper or, in my town...on vacation because it is spring break! We walked all the way over to the park and through it, then spied another dog, started barking then returned home. Not very exciting but exercise. I need to look into buying a cat stroller so that we can take Sammy with us on our walks. Sammy likes to go out in the evening into the back yard and tonight was no exception. He chased flying bug. Its entertaining for him but not my cup of tea. Hershey kept darting toward the door and then back to me...I knew something was up. I think Hershey was ready for Sammy to come indoors so that we could settle down for the evening. Hershey is a bossy guy when it comes to me and Sammy. He clearly feels in charge. I am trying to be the alpha dog as Cesar Milan says but I have no desire to be alpha in the evening after being alpha all day long at work. I love it when Hershey puts his head on my shoulder and cuddles or when Sammy insists on sitting on the computer which is on my lap so that he can be close to me. I know I'm number one with them! That is alpha enough for me. Off to wash my hair and get ready for tomorrow....ah retirement...when?
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Monday and we're making progress
I am tired and ache all over (physical therapy exercises for my back) but we went to the dog park after work anyway! Hershey sniffed many butts, pooped and peed. He seemed takes so little. Wish men were this uncomplicated, maybe I could find a nice guy to share my life! My big sister forced me to bake a ham for dinner and now I have 7 lbs to get rid of. I have to listen to her because she is my big sister (and I am afraid of her). She lives 2000 miles away. I am laughing hysterically over Two and a Half Men. It is a stitch... Off to bed!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Easter Sunday

I'm going to spend the day sleeping because I know my human mom is going to church. When she trys to put on pantyhose I jump up on her and try to grab the dangling part! wow she really struggles to get them up! Whoa Nellie...not for me. I like my scarf and that's pretty much as far as it goes. Sammy won't wear anything. He's got a lot of fur though. she won't be gone long if its just church. I got a lion today...he's a stuffed toy just like I like...long legs and I can whip him around by the legs and shake real good. I'm the boss! Here we are...
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Hershey and Gracie at the dog park.
Well, I said I was starting this blog to share my stories about Hershey a large (11.7 lbs) Silky Terrier of enormous spirit. Here goes. Hershey met a new friend to day...Gracie who is a calm and gentle Maltipoo that his aunt Sally was babysitting for a friend. Hershey goes nuts when he goes to Sally's house because he still thinks Buddy is there. Buddy passed away last June unexpectedly. Hershey loves Sally because she is so happy to see him and gives him treats. Hershey is a very social guy not like his human mom. Anyway, Hershey and Gracie went to the dog park. Aunt Sally had never been there and Hershey was anxious to show her the fun. Gracie took it all in stride. Hershey met some long haired Dachshunds who were digging holes near a trash can. Turns out they were after a field mouse that was under the can. Hershey, the little ratter! was not the most tenacious dog which surprised me because he always seems to be rodent trolling. Anyway Hershey and Gracie has a nice time. The wind was blowing and we left early. Go exercise! I thought Hershey would rest when he got back home but he and Sammy went out into the back yard and found an injured Humming bird (slightly missing tail). They were batting it around until I called them in. I have no stomach for cats eating birds. Hershey wore his Easter scarf today. He doesn't know it but I bought him a lion to drag around for Easter. I will add the photos tomorrow. I am too tired to do it tonight. Sweet dreams all.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Bought Pants Recently
and was I amazed at the fit or rather the lack of. I am not petite and definitely over the hill but I have always had a flat behind resulting in pants being loose in the seat. Recently bought some new pants (Ladies Trousers!) from EB as they have tall sizes. Could not get them up over the keester. It wasn't because they weren't wide enough be because they didn't seem to come up far enough. Finally got them buttoned but was expecting a longer rise as they were tall. Went to Cheesecake Factory with my friend Jill (my niece's age) and she told me that they have been making pants as low riders
for the last few years. Not everyone wants to walk around showing their belly button or underwear. Manufacturers are so nuts. There are other demographics out there shopping besides the 18 to 49 crowd. This problem is not limited to EB either. I bought Jones NY last June and noticed the same issue but to a lesser extent. Did you know that the average dress size of women today is 14? Did you know that size 10 is the new extra large? What's the fashion world coming too? Can't wait for things to change again....
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