Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our Friend SC Came to Visit

Neither SC or I have a car today or tomorrow. One car is having mechanical work done and the other ishaving body work done. I catch a ride to work with a friend but SC is home all day and it was driving her nuts so she came to visit. Hershey gets so excited when he sees SC. We took him for a walk when we returned from walking to a restaurant and having dinner. It is warm here tonight but after 8 PM it cools down. Hershey remembers people that he likes and who like him. It doesn't hurt that SC gives him treats when he visits her house. I give treats too and I am "claimed" by the cat and the dog. I cannot sit down and be left alone by Hershey and Sammy. I have someone on me at all times. I am happy for the company.
I am off to take a shower and go to bed. I am sooooo tired. I enjoyed my walk and dinner because it was shared and just enough without bringing anything home. It was good therapy after the events of the day.

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