Monday, July 30, 2007

Thank Goodness for Little Pets!

To paraphrase a song from GiGi! I am so glad I have my sweet animals. They greet me at the door upon my return and see me off in the morning. Tonight I was later than usual. Work is a lot because I have three projects going on at the same time with deadlines that are very close to each other and due soon. I also have the regular stuff to contend with. Anyway, Hershey ran to greet me, wagging his whole body. We went to the back patio to exit the sliding glass door. Out he went. While he was looking for intruder rabbits (There is one on the hill that is not moved by a barking dog.), I went back into the house to call Sammy. Sammy likes to go out when Hershey does. I called and called but no Sammy. I decided to go upstairs and there was Sammy in the hallway by my bedroom door just laying there swishing his tail, looking bored. Even though he is a cat, he comes when you call him but not tonight. For some reason, he is eating the dog food (which I have taken away) and I think his stomach is bothering him. He did come down and play with me and Hershey after some coaxing on my part. He came and sat on my lap after dinner while Hershey layed with his head on my shoulder. Then Hershey, sensing a need, started grooming the cat's ear. Dogs just chew on each other while cats lick each other. Sammy got his ear chewed but lovingly. Thursday I get to talk to the big boss about an opportunity at work. Wish me luck!

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