Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Walk

Hershey and I took a walk tonight at about 7:10 PM. We only passed one small boy on a skateboard. I think everyone else was at home eating supper or, in my town...on vacation because it is spring break! We walked all the way over to the park and through it, then spied another dog, started barking then returned home. Not very exciting but exercise. I need to look into buying a cat stroller so that we can take Sammy with us on our walks. Sammy likes to go out in the evening into the back yard and tonight was no exception. He chased flying bug. Its entertaining for him but not my cup of tea. Hershey kept darting toward the door and then back to me...I knew something was up. I think Hershey was ready for Sammy to come indoors so that we could settle down for the evening. Hershey is a bossy guy when it comes to me and Sammy. He clearly feels in charge. I am trying to be the alpha dog as Cesar Milan says but I have no desire to be alpha in the evening after being alpha all day long at work. I love it when Hershey puts his head on my shoulder and cuddles or when Sammy insists on sitting on the computer which is on my lap so that he can be close to me. I know I'm number one with them! That is alpha enough for me. Off to wash my hair and get ready for tomorrow....ah retirement...when?

1 comment:

Mommydearest24 said...

Sammy and Hershey are the best kind of friends. You don't have to say a word but they know you love them & they love you. Yes get a cat stroller Sammy might really enjoy that....