Monday, May 21, 2007

Visiting Buddy's Mom

Hershey and I went to visit Sally today. She was Buddy's mom. Buddy was a large Golden Retriever and Hershey's first friend. Though much bigger and older than Hershey, Buddy was gentle with Hershey and each time we went past Buddy's house, Hershey got very excited because he wanted to play. Now, Buddy is in heaven but luckily Sally still likes to play. She has treats for Hershey and she just loves him. He gets so excited when he goes to her front door, he can't wait for her to open it. In we went and Hershey scurried around waiting for Sally to sit so that he could jump up on her lap! Sally misses Buddy. She makes a great aunt. Hershey looked out Sally sliding glass door and saw a bird. He made a bee line outside but was stopped by a valance that was laying on the floor. He wouldn't jump over it. We had to show him to just step over. We had a nice visit then went to the grocery store and returned home. Hershey needed to rest from all the excitement. I had to cook dinner!

1 comment:

Mommydearest24 said...

That Hershey is a character